Positive Behaviour for Learning
Otaika Valley School is a ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ school (PB4L)
We have been on this shared journey since 2012
We pride ourselves on how this provides our students with an accepting and supportive school culture. Our school values of Respect, Unique, Resilience and Up to You (RURU) are embedded throughout the school, both inside and outside the classroom. As a staff we encourage students to take ownership of their learning and actions. Our mascot Mrs RURU, is kaitiaki of our values and she overseas all that we do including presenting the assembly RURU awards.
Students reward values in action in the playground with RURU slips which are collected and shared at each assembly. They then go in a jar, once filled the whole school is rewarded with a RURU fun day. In the classroom students are recognised for the use of RURU values through the use of RURU tokens, which students accumulate for positive rewards. RURU trophies are given out each week at assembly for one junior and one senior student and a letter is sent home to parents. Class certificates celebrate academic, social, and behavioural success relating to our RURU values. We have a shared expectation that behaviours are positive within out school. Energy flows where the attention goes (positive).