8th March 22 Dear parents and caregivers, Some teachers have shared with me that they have received a number of requests about who their child has been in contact with within class, in regards to [...]
8th March 22 Dear parents and caregivers, Some teachers have shared with me that they have received a number of requests about who their child has been in contact with within class, in regards to [...]
8th March 22 Kia ora koutou Please find the advertisement link below for Kathryn Berkett on Monday 21 March - an online zoom talk about "Resilience in Children" from 7.00 - 8.30 p.m. Otaika Valley [...]
6th March 22 Kia ora koutou, All last week I have talked with principal colleagues who have had covid-19 cases within their schools. It is now our turn. The health and wellbeing of our students, [...]
4 March 2022 Kia ora Koutou Life at Otaika Valley School Life at school with children learning and playing continues to be a real buzz. From 8:20am when the bell rings for children to go [...]
28/02/22 Kia ora koutou With the new Phase 3, only household contacts of confirmed cases are required to self-isolate. Schools are still operating under Red Settings with the main focus for us… ‘Minimising [...]
25-02-22 Kia ora koutou, Below is a letter from the Secretary of Education sent to all schools. Although New Zealand is moving to Phase 3 of the Omicron response, we are still at Red under the [...]
18 Feb 2021 Kia ora koutou It is great to be back at school and see children settled into new classes and enjoying each others company. Now that we have a few weeks under our [...]
10 Feb 2022 VISION AND HEARING SCREENING Vision and Hearing Screening helps ensure that our children’s health and their ability to learn is at its best. Children’s vision and hearing continue to develop and change [...]
3 February 2022 The Otaika Valley School Board of Trustees has decided this school will not be used as a vaccination site. The choice to vaccinate children is a parental decision. This may alleviate a [...]
Request for volunteers Needed: someone or a group of parents to vacuum the pool in the mornings before 9:30am. This is a 30 minute job to maintain pool quality for the children's swimming. Parents in [...]