Great start to the year!
Kia ora OVS whanau and caregivers, Just a quick touch base after a great start to our 2023 school year. It has been an absolute pleasure to meet so many of you and your children [...]
Kia ora OVS whanau and caregivers, Just a quick touch base after a great start to our 2023 school year. It has been an absolute pleasure to meet so many of you and your children [...]
Kia ora Otaika Valley School caregivers and whanau, It is my privilege to welcome everybody back to the 2023 school year, and to extend an especially warm welcome to all new tamariki and their whanau [...]
We hope everyone is enjoying the last couple of weeks of the school holidays! 8-) A reminder that you are able to purchase your child's stationery online through NZ School Shop... Take care and [...]
2022 End of Year RURU Awards Since 2013 Otaika Valley School has been running a school wide values programme for learning and behaviour. During this time we have thrived as a school on a [...]
14 / 12 / 2022 Kia ora koutou Please find class lists for 2023 attached. At this stage we are interviewing for a replacement for Mrs de Boer early next week. Mr Rick Sayer, your [...]
Kia ora Koutou, Reminders... Wednesday Wet Fun Day - this will not be called off for weather Children to bring... togs towels a change of clothes money for PTA sell off of moosies and juicies [...]
Kia ora koutou, Kia and Carols cancelled. Due to the incredibly wet grounds, mud up to the eye balls and a weather forecast for ...' Mostly cloudy. A few showers from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. Easterlies.' [...]
Kia ora koutou The PTA of 2022 would like to thank everyone for supporting our efforts across the school Disco, Ag Day and raffle. We have a few sponsors we would particularly like to thank [...]
7 December 2022 Kia ora koutou The year is finishing off very busy for everyone here at school. Today the Y6's are off on their fun day to celebrate their last year at Otaika Valley [...]
24 November 2022 Kia ora koutou, Firstly, my apologises for the late newsletter in regards to tomorrows paid union meetings. I have been on sick leave for the last two days, supporting my elderly father [...]