Newsletter: Week 9, Term 2.

Kia ora OVS whanau and caregivers, Please find this weeks newsletter attached. There will also be an end of term newsletter on Friday. Star Spot - Celebrating Student Learning A huge OVS congratulations to our [...]

By |2023-06-25T19:18:29+00:0025th June 2023|Newsletters, Updates - Email|Comments Off on Newsletter: Week 9, Term 2.

Week 10 Newsletter

Technical oops! We have just been made aware that a previous newsletter update was sent out by error.  This was due to gremlins beyond our control!  We have now shooed them out of our system...Please [...]

By |2023-04-06T15:22:36+00:006th April 2023|Newsletters, Updates - Email|Comments Off on Week 10 Newsletter
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