Together We Grow – Ka Tupu Kotāhi ai Tātou- Week 4
Kia ora koutou OVS Whanau and Caregivers,
Coming back from 2 camps recently, I was struck by the growth mindset our students displayed particularly in the new and challenging environments they found themselves in. So I thought I would share with you …The Power of YET
At OVS, we believe in the power of a growth mindset—and one of the most powerful words to help with this is YET.
When we say, “I can’t do this… yet,” it changes the way we all see challenges. It reminds us that learning and progress take time, and that struggles are just stepping stones to success. YET turns obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into motivation.
So next time you or your child feel stuck, try adding YET. “I don’t understand this… yet.” “I’m not confident speaking in front of people… yet.” Small words can have a big impact!
Ka Tupu Kotāhi ai Tātou – Let’s keep ‘growing together’— one “YET” at a time!
The new New Zealand Curriculum
As indicated last week we have put together an information page on our OVS website that allows whanau to explore what the new curriculum is all about. This page includes specific information on the new Math and Literacy that may be of real interest. These outline the year specific learning content your child/ren will now be working through.
If you go to the website. Click on the drop down menu Learning you will then see the page ‘NZ Curriculum’.
BOT Parent Representative Selection
The Board is pleased to introduce Rebecca Yeates as the newly selected Trustee to join the OVS Board of Trustees. Rebecca is a parent with 2 students here at OVS and currently works managing an early childhood centre. Rebecca has a working knowledge of educational Boards of Trustees in her current role, and we look forward to her bringing a valuable early childhood lens, practical experience and transition skill sets to our Board.
Full OVS BOT elections will take place from 3-19 September 2025
Star Spot – Studnet Learning @ OVS
RURU Awards
Every week at assembly we celebrate super OVS students, and this week’s shout out is to say a huge congratulations to our R.U.R.U award winner from today’s assembly .
Week 6 – Ruby (Yr 5)

New Student Shout Out!
A very warm OVS welcome and a shout out to our new students over the past 2 weeks.
Welcome Kaden!
Outstanding Attendance
A huge shoutout to the below students who were some of the OVS superstars that have achieved 100% attendance across the first 5 weeks of school. There were many more in the ’25’ strong cohort, but sadly they were out on camp for assembly. We will be celebrating these next week.

Super Hunting @ OVS
Meet Corbin from Room 2 who had an exciting hunting adventure today at school.
Corbin saw a rat running outside the classroom and told his teacher. Immediately Corbin sprung into action. A rat trap was found and baited with some food, and carefully placed it in likely area. Not long after cries of “We caught it !’ echoed from the garden. Corbin proudly showed his teacher the ‘rather large’ rat which he had caught and Mr T had the job of disposing of it!
Great initiative and great huting Corbin…a definite principals award!

Music Lessons
We are thrilled with the new music initiative running across all year levels, and have committed to continue this through to mid year. Students this week got to use our 4 new djembe drums and also unboxed 2 exciting new additions to our suite of instruments. A new electronic drum kit and a new electronic keyboard.
New Technology
Supporting our technology curriculum was an exciting morning for our two designated ‘Tech-Angels’ who unboxed, researched and piloted our first ever Drones. We are trialling 2 models to determine what we think will be the best option to add to our robotics learning.
Room 1 & 2 Junior Beach Trip and Overnight
Firstly, thank you to our awesome parent helpers! This day wouldn’t have been possible without your support. Unfortunately Whangaumu Bay turned out to be windier than expected so the decision was made to spend the day at Kowharewa Bay, a great decision that eventuated into a fantastic day followed by a super sleepover.
Lunar Eclipse BLOOD MOON
As the moon rises tonight, those looking up at the sky could be treated to a rare sight when a total lunar eclipse turns it a striking “blood” red.
The moon will pass into the Earth’s shadow in the early evening.
The entire moon will move into the darkest part of the shadow, known as the Umbra — blocking sunlight from reaching it. The moon will turn red for a few hours until it finishes passing through the Umbra.
The eclipse will begin as soon as the moon rises at 7.38pm tonight. It will reach its totality between 8pm and 8.30pm and will end by 11pm.
The weather will the most significant factor in whether or not you’d be able to see the eclipse.
While they are not rare they are not frequent either with only a few each decade, and the weather conditions must be right to view it!
So, look to the east for this amazing event tonight from 7.45.
Signing Students Out Of School Early
Please note- Our new attendance procedures require all whanau picking up students inside school hours of 9-3;00 pm to report to the office to sign out your child. Jen in the office must record the time and reasons for pickup for MOE data gathering. As of next week, Jen will give you a note that states the reason for early pick up. Please give this note to your child’s teacher when you collect your child.
OVS new Bike Track
The limestone has arrived, the humps ‘n bumps are taking shape and MR T is about to work on the next stage of our new addition to the bike track. Watch this space for more developments. Not long to go!
Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards at School
We love that our students bring their bikes, scooters and skateboards to school, however we’ve had a few near misses with mainly bikes colliding with staff and students. Therefore, if your child is bringing their bike to school, please remind them of the new bike rules. These are interim rules while we review solutions with
– Bikes are not to be on the concrete at all – they are to go on the court or the bike track only
– Scooters and skateboards etc can be on the concrete
– Skid bikes can go outside the LSC building or on the courts.
Book Character Week
4 weeks to go!!!
Dress up day – Thursday 10th April. Costume runway 9.30am. Mr Whippy arrives at 11.30am.
Ice Cream Book-nic after that – family invited to join in.
Guests speakers coming on Monday and Tuesday for some of the library times.
4 weeks to go!!!
Dress up day – Thursday 10th April. Costume runway 9.30am. Mr Whippy arrives at 11.30am.
Ice Cream Book-nic after that – family invited to join in.
Guests speakers coming on Monday and Tuesday for some of the library times.

School Lunches
Libelle school lunches – We are aware Libelle our school lunch provider has gone into liquidation. At this stage OVS are still receiving lunches and we will be monitoring this closely. We are assured the transition to a new provider will be seamless.
Holiday Programmes
Holiday Hula Hangout

Back by popular demand, Darcie and Mana o te Hula – The Power of Hula, a local contemporary Cook Islands and Tahitian dance group who have been performing throughout Northland since 2008, is offering a 2 day Holiday Hula Hang Out at Otaika Valley School for 20 children aged 5 – 11 years old. See Darcie for more info and forms.
Details are below:
- Children will learn the fundamentals of hula and learn a dance to perform for their parents at the conclusion of the 2nd day
- Activities include: a Pasifika inspired craft, movie with popcorn, games, reading – we have the use of the school library, playground, field.
- Children will need to bring their own lunch.
- 9 – 3pm
- 14th – 15th April
- 22nd and 23rd April
- $80 for the 2 days
Term Dates
Terms | Start | Finish |
Term 1: | 4 Feb | 11 April |
Term 2: | 28 April | 27 June |
Term 3: | 14 July | 19 Sept |
term 4: | 6 Oct | 16 Dec |