Only 29 responses to the COMMUNITY CONSULTATION – Values

16 September 2023

Kia ora koutou,

We really value our parent communities beliefs about VALUES for your children at this school.  Unfortunately 19 responses will not represent our community.  Can you pretty please take the time to fill in the questionnaire.

The school values drive a MASSIVE part of the success of this school.  Please contribute to this success (pretty please).

Kind regards 




VALUES at Otaika Valley School?


In 2013 we created our Vision and Values to guide the school direction with our community.  Our intended three year strategic plan review was halted during Covid.  The world has gone through some big challenges, and so has our community and school.

We want to know what our current community now values and thinks their children need in regards to school values going forward.
Please click on the link below to see the examples of 2013 student / teacher / parent chosen values.  The values were collected, then a graphic was created in a programme called Wordle,  which makes any duplicated words (values) bigger.
From here we created our RURU values, Mrs RURU to give out awards, and many background positive outcomes within our learning and behaviour plan.  It has served us well and been popular.
Please look at the existing values, then decide what are the 4 most import values for your child(ren) at this school to take us forward as a school and community for 2023 onwards.
Click the link below and please choose 4 of the most important VALUES for your child and type 1 word only
e.g Value 1:   …………..  Value 2:   …………..  Value 3:   …………..  Value 4:   …………..



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