Vaccinations not at school

3 February 2022

The Otaika Valley School Board of Trustees has decided this school will not be used as a vaccination site.  The choice to vaccinate children is a parental decision.  This may alleviate a few parental concerns.  Below is information from the Ministry for parents who wish to read about child vaccination.

Kind regards

On behalf of the Board of Trustees


Information from the Ministry of Education…

Should a school and local health provider agree that the school will be used as a vaccination site, they will be the joint PCBU – school boards for the health and safety of people on the school site and Ministry of Health/the health provider for the health and safety in relation to vaccine logistics and delivery.


COVID-19 immunisation programme for ages 5 to 11 is now available

Parents and caregivers now have the opportunity to protect their tamariki aged 5 to 11 against COVID-19, by being immunised with a child (by a paediatric) formulation of the Pfizer vaccine.

The vaccine used is a children’s version of the Pfizer vaccine with a lower dose than used for adults. Children will need two doses of the vaccine and it is recommended to have the first and second dose at least eight weeks apart.

There are a number of websites available with resources that will help explain what the vaccine is, how it works and whether the vaccine is safe for young people.

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