25 August 2021
Kia ora koutou,
Each day the teachers meet online for a staff meeting to share resources and problem solve for the day.
This morning they wanted to pass on some well-being resources to families to offer some extra support.
- Sparklers at home – https://sparklers.org.nz/
parenting/ (This is the link for parents to access Sparklers at home ) -
This is the link for mindfulness breathing and movement in te reo – https://sparklers.org.nz/
parenting/sparklers-at-home- hikitia-te-h%C4%81/ -
This is the link for an article on how to balance working from home and home learning – https://sparklers.org.nz/
parenting/making-home- learning-and-home-working- totally-doable/
Kind regards
from the Otaika Valley School teachers